Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Saving A Grid As A Template

The crosstabulation grid configuration can be saved as a template, which can be applied to new grids. This is useful, for example, if you want to apply a corporate color scheme to each new grid that you create.

When you save a grid as a template, each part of the grid configuration is stored, and will be applied to any new grid the template is added to. This includes the grid's appearance as well as back-end configurations including measures, columns and rows. To save a template based on a grid's appearance it is recommended that any configuration not related to the grid's display settings as cleared beforehand.


  1. With the crosstab open in the Workspace click Save As on the General ribbon bar.

The Save As window is then displayed.

  1. Navigate to the location to where the template should be saved.
  2. Ensure the Save as template option is checked.
  3. Click Save.
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